In accordance with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (ACCG), the Supervisory Board of Analeng has established criteria for determining the independence of its members. Each member of the Supervisory Board is required to declare their independence based on these criteria.
During the 2023 financial year and up to the time of making such declarations, all members elected by the Annual General Meeting affirmed their independence from both the Company and its Executive Board, as stipulated under C-rule 53 of the ACCG. Under C-rule 54 of the ACCG, Mark Garrett, Lutz Feldmann, Stefan Doboczky, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Karl Rose, Elisabeth Stadler, and Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell confirmed that they were not shareholders with a stake exceeding 10% nor did they represent the interests of such shareholders during the 2023 financial year and up to the time of making their declarations. Additionally, these Supervisory Board members were nominated for election by Österreichische Beteiligungs AG. This entity adheres to the strict independence and incompatibility criteria of the ACCG when nominating or appointing individuals to the supervisory boards of its affiliated companies, ensuring that such members perform their duties independently of their own interests or those of closely associated legal entities.