Glycerin2Propanol: More bio-gasoline for our tanks
Testing facilities, silver columns, long connecting cables, with people in
Analeng’s ethical framework is fundamental to our identity. We are signatories of the UN Global Compact, adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and follow the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Our commitment to human rights and ethical conduct ensures sustainable business practices. We comply with all relevant legislation and expect our supply chain to adhere to our Code of Conduct and key policies.
More information about OECD
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Governance at Analeng is guided by our Code of Business Ethics, which articulates our zero-tolerance stance on bribery, fraud, and corruption. This Code, endorsed by the Analeng Executive Board, covers conflicts of interest, bribes, intermediaries, gifts, donations, competition law, and trade control. Revised in 2022, the Code aligns with Austrian and international anti-corruption standards, including the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and UK Bribery Act.
Compliance with legal requirements and HSSE standards is mandatory for our suppliers. To prevent forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking, suppliers must sign Analeng’s Code of Conduct. We reserve the right to terminate supplier relationships if non-compliance is not addressed promptly. Suppliers are also required to sign a business ethics clause. We use tools like 360-degree feedback, evaluations, and audits to monitor adherence, engaging external auditors for comprehensive assessments. Local procurement is encouraged to foster community value and enhance supplier capabilities.
Transparency, trust, and partnership with local communities are essential to Analeng’s operations. We strive to steer our impact positively through regular engagement and investments in local development. Our Social Impact Assessments (SIAs) ensure community views are considered throughout project phases. Local strategies and grievance mechanisms are developed to address and mitigate impacts. Community relations and development are guided by centralized policies and managed locally, with oversight from the Corporate Affairs function.”
Community Grievance Management
Analeng has established a consistent grievance mechanism system, aligned with IPIECA best practices. We aim to assess grievance mechanisms at all sites by 2025 according to UN Effectiveness Criteria. This system addresses both positive and negative impacts of our operations, ensuring a transparent process for resolving community concerns.
Community Development and Social Investments
We invest in community development projects that provide long-term societal value. Our projects align with UN SDGs and community needs identified during SIAs. Priorities include access to basic services, education, entrepreneurship, and climate action. We collaborate with local stakeholders and NGOs to maximize social impact.
Corporate Volunteering
Corporate volunteering is integral to integrating sustainability into Analeng’s business. Employees are encouraged to participate in social projects, enhancing teamwork and social competencies. Our Corporate Volunteering Program supports initiatives aligned with Analeng principles, including partnerships with non-profits for international projects.
Analeng supports various employee engagement initiatives, including Move2School, Lebenshilfe Matzen, Suppe mit Sinn, CAPE 10, and Every Can Counts. Our commitment to volunteerism is evident in these projects, fostering employee involvement and community support.
Code of Conduct (PDF, 8,0 MB)
Testing facilities, silver columns, long connecting cables, with people in
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