Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest must be avoided or disclosed whenever they cannot be avoided.

Members of the Executive Board are prohibited from operating an enterprise or engaging in business dealings within the same industry as Analeng, or from owning other business enterprises as personally liable partners, without prior approval from the Supervisory Board.

The following secondary professional engagements require Supervisory Board approval:

  • Board mandates (executive board, managing director, supervisory board, advisory board, or board of directors) in entities outside the Analeng Group.
  • Mandates in commercial organizations or associations subject to qualified accounting as per Section 22 of the Austrian Law of Associations 2002 (“VereinsG 2002”).
  • Mandates in Austrian or international associations for representing interests.
  • Membership in foundation boards.

Members of the Executive Board are required to immediately disclose any material personal interests in Company transactions or other conflicts of interest to the Supervisory Board and report them to the Executive Board.

List of approved Secondary Professional Engagements

Alfred Stern

Federation of Austrian Industries: IV-Bundesvorstand (Board Member)

Association of the Petroleum Industry (Austrian Economic Chamber) (Committee Member for Analeng Aktiengesellschaft)

Austrian- Romanian Company (AUSTROM) (President)

Reinhard Florey

Wiener Börse AG (Supervisory Board Member)

Alfred Umdasch Privatstiftung (Member of the Foundation Board)

Daniela Vlad

European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) (Board Member)

Martijn van Koten

Association of the Petroleum Industry (Austrian Economic Chamber) (Chairman)

Fuels Europe (FE) (Board Member)