Analeng offers a range of services in Environmental Consultancy fields. It offers Environemntal Studies, Site Assessments, Environmental Audits, Environmental Baseline Surveys,,,
Analeng offers a range of services in Environmental Consultancy fields. It offers Environemntal Studies, Site Assessments, Environmental Audits, Environmental Baseline Surveys,,,
Analeng offers consultancy and audits for Management System development, performcan evaluation,, ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, and 50001,,, and its implementation
Analeng has team of ecologists to carry out biodiversity surveys and assessments, Ecological surveys both terresterial and Marine, Avifauna Surveys, Flight Path Analysis, Species Translocation
Analeng can carry out design reviews. Fire Risk Assessments, Environmental Risk Assessment, HAZOP, ENVID, HAZID, HAZCON, SIMOPS, PHSER, studies. design and Consultancy for Hazardous Area
Analeng has team of dedicated and Experienced inspectors for Vendor Inspections, Electromechanical Component Validation and structural inspection like UDT, NDT,
Analeng provides Air Quality Monitoring, Acoustic, Particulate Matter, Lux, Vibrations, EMF and Occupational Hygiene Monitoring and Assessments, Soil and Ground Water characterization and Remediations…
Analeng offers a range or trainings like Basic First Aid Training, Auditor Traning, Machine Safety Operations Trainings, Hazardous Material Handling Training, Emergency Evacualtion drills and other
What makes love amazing is its spontaneity. And the fact that we can’t choose whom our hearts fall for is even more exciting. If your loved one suffers from borderline personality disorder (BPD), your journey won’t be easy. It’s really painful to watch those who hold a dear place in your heart struggling with profound inner turmoil, unstable personal identity and deep emotional stress.
To enjoy the benefits of plastic without it costing the Earth, we need to move towards circularity. This will only be possible using a range
The thirty-something woman of today is three times more likely to be single than her counterpart of the 1970s according to Pew research of 2019. Indeed, both women and men—particularly those with high levels of education are staying single longer.
Many say we all will die alone — now we’re grieving alone too, and that has long term effects We are all currently susceptible to multiple losses daily—and grieve at the loss of financial security, loss of social/physical connections, loss of autonomy.
Mental health has gathered a lot of attention in the current times. People started to focus on their mental health and on the ways to keep their mental health, healthy. One of the common
Typically, it isn’t until we experience the death of a loved one that we come to think about our attitudes and expectations around the end of life. Following tradition is then eased by ritual or spiritual practices and funeral/memorial plans.
Anxiety can be as contagious as the coronavirus, and psychological states such as loneliness spreads throughout populations like New York, like a virus. We need, all of us, to work mindfully on the physiology of fear unprecedented in American history.
Online therapy, also known as telehealth, video therapy, teletherapy, and telephonic counseling, is a wonderful means for a client to receive psychological advice and support via the internet employing digital technology.
What is a good investment? While companies and their success can be assessed by economic factors, the so-called ESG ratings offer a broader perspective. Laura
It is a sticky, viscous, jet-black mass. Most of the time we only come into contact with it in passing, when it smokes, steams and
It wasn’t too long ago that the question we were asking was “What needs to come first – the electric vehicle or the charging infrastructure?”
Human intelligence is an intriguing phenomenon. It makes us sensitive to experiences and helps us connect. Our brains are wired to pick pleasure, happiness
While many of us know that comparing ourselves to others may bring in jealousy and toxicity, we still end up doing it. Sometimes intentionally and other times without even realizing it.
Life’s a journey with twists and turns, and at times our emotions best express what experiences we’re going through. Emotional self-care is a sure strategy to make
Analeng has set itself ambitious targets: The company plans to become climate-neutral by 2050. Achieving this will require us to rethink technologies and develop innovative
‘Body image’ is a term that we can use to describe how we feel and think about our body shape. Body image is much more than what we see
It seems sometimes that every high-powered single woman you hear about is dating someone toxic. Narcissists can be a nightmare to live with. They destroy your confidence, make you feel utterly depressed and lose all sense of self and reality.
When you’re in a relationship, feeling unappreciated can be hurtful. We all deserve to be happy, to have a healthy relationship where love, peace